The last few cabinets have been remarkably diverse compared to the ones preceding them. Clinton had the most diverse administration in history, and I believe that Bush followed that up. We’re now getting some sense about Obama’s leaks and already some are asking whether what he’s doing is enough.
I understand this concern. When government changes hands there are literally thousands of jobs up for grabs. As blacks were the demographic that put him over the top it only makes sense that blacks (and other non-whites given the implicit promise of the campaign) get an equitable portion of those jobs.
But while I appreciate the fact that some Obama supporters are thinking of putting his feet to the fire, at least a little, I am also cognizant of the class biases here. What SHOULD be first and foremost is “stuff.” You don’t elect the candidate of your choice solely because you like him. But that stuff should revolve at some level around policy, and we shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that a more diverse staff will lead to a more progressive set of policy arrangements. Because it’s very possible to have a diverse staff and a rightward leaning policy apparatus.
“As blacks were the demographic that put him over the top it only makes sense that blacks …get an equitable portion of those jobs”
Whether or not they are the most capable applicants.
Like the last guys?
The only diversity I'm concerned about in that Cabinet is that required of engineers and architects who need to be able to manifest and harness the emergent qualities of creative collaboration and problem solving. If what he constructs is yet another cabinet of bureaucratically seasoned, dead-headed duppies, then we're completely and totally phukked.
[quote]But that stuff should revolve at some level around policy, and we shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that a more diverse staff will lead to a more progressive set of policy arrangements. Because it’s very possible to have a diverse staff and a rightward leaning policy apparatus.[/quote]
Mr. Smythe:
Can I call you to the carpet on the assumption that you have made above?
You appear to make the case that “progressive”/liberal has some superiority over “rigthward leaning” policy.
I would love to take a tour with you around the various areas of America that have implemented the “progressive leaning policy apparatus” and note all of the wonders that this has done for all of the people who still suffer. So much so that they are smitten by “hope” as their last recourse.
In monitoring the local Obamaganda Black talk radio show I found it too interesting that Black folks were calling in talking about the need to put competence ahead of diversity. One radio host said “I have 100% confidence that MY PRESIDENT has the judgement to place the right people in place regardless of their race”. I now see that corporations who are attacked for their lack of diversity should argue that they are “putting the right people in the job” and ignore the protestations of the ideological bigots who show their subjectivity in such a manner.
I would love for you to do a thorough review of the “Progressive Apparatus” that dominates our largest cities.
When you suggest taking the tour, are you suggesting that YOU lead it? With the exception of my college years, I've lived in Baltimore, St. Louis, and Detroit. I've extensively studied all three.
I assume when you suggest a tour, you are suggesting that I lead you right?
Read The Origins of the Urban Crisis.