But it’s not this Spence but that one. The number of black homeschoolers has been shooting through the roof, in part because of the increase in black Christian families interested in embedding Christian principles in education, but also because of a sense that public and private schools are doing a disservice to black boys and girls. My wife was on Tell Me More as part of the Mocha Moms segment, and they devoted their show to homeschooling. Check it out.
Spence on NPR talking about black homeschooling
by admin | Aug 12, 2008 | Education, NPR, The Mass Media | 4 comments
Interesting show. Do you find that your kids have adjusted well once they re-enter the education system?
It's definitely something I'd consider doing. School safety doesn't even enter the equation. My kindergarten teacher tried to hold me back because I didn't hold my scissors properly. The fact that I was the only one in my class that could read in addition to being about 4 years ahead of everyone else in math never really entered the picture…
sorry for the length of time it took me to reply mark. the three middle kids start their second year of school outside the home monday and are looking forward to it. my daughter will (hopefully) start high school next week as well. my three middles had almost NO problem adjusting.
I heard the piece last week & actually ate my lunch in my care while listening. Your boo get many props from me for being dedicated. I am not sure that me or my wife could make it happen.
you'd be surprised…