Kimberly Wilder is a member of the Green Party of New York, and is an education advocate AND activist. She wrote a piece on Jena from her standpoint as both a white progressive and an education advocate and gave me a heads up about it. A quote:
One piece of logic which is missing from many people’s examination of the case is the whole body of education law. I work at an education advocacy center. Due to my experience there, I can see clearly the many junctures where this whole situation was handled in an absolutely unfair, negligent, and biased way by the school administrators and government people involved. Through the paradigm of education rights, law and processes, the whole Jena 6 saga – from nooses, to months of racial conflict that was not addressed properly, to the prosecution of the 6 black young men – was all handled entirely wrong and entirely biased.
I realize that it is a lot to call upon a casual observer and commentator on the Jena 6 Students’ case to have a deep understanding of education law. But, I would say: If you believe you have a right to publicly assert that these children should face criminal charges, then you should have a responsibility to know something about the law which exists, and these children’s rights under that law.
There are at least 3 federal laws, and 1 Louisiana law, which, if followed by the school system, would probably have stopped the whole Jena situation somewhere at (or maybe even before) the hanging of the nooses. If someone wants to assert that justice demands that Mychal Bell deserves some criminal charges because he did something wrong, then justice would have to admit that school administrators deserve criminal charges as well.
Many of us have known that school officials were extremely derelict in their duties. But this really drives it home and in doing so brings to light the much larger issues that should concern ALL with school aged children (at least). The full post can be found here. This is GOOD work.
The emotional and intellectual vacancy of racism does not adhere to law or laws. I heartily agree after reading your post that the school administrators should be charged.
Yet, assumption is that those that exercise ‘their own’ justice in this particular case would respect any judicial
law(s), which those idiots do not and did not.
Informative and necessary post. Thanks!
Thanks for peeping me about education law. Off I go to surf and learn more…
Adrienne Zurub
‘Notes From the Mothership The Naked Invisibles’
Doc great research does the author race make’s a diference?Being White does the piece resonate more
All the chatter about this and that and he said she said don’t put bread on your table,or money in your pocket.
What gives? People are going jobless,where in America!
Enough of devisive POLITRICKS!
Why? I don’t know but someone knows and all this chatter about vote for me and I will do this for you ,it’s time for pause.
The rules are changing everyday.Lies and more lies,fighting,backbiting,millions spent on adverts ! Where? In America where
else.Land of the free.
Lets hope our education can help us slow down climate change.
Will education help if there are no jobs ?.Is there someone that can cut through all this nonsense of POLITRICKS and come out with a plan that can change and turn things around and put POLTICS on solid ground with good sound workable economic plans?
Florida ,Michigan, the handwriting is on the wall.
Is there a politician in America that can say and do what he means and says like good Abraham Lincoln?
Oh yes there is!
You know and I know and we all know that there are still a great majority of good ASmerican Politicians. Honest Politicians that walk the walk and talk the talk.
More jobs! Yes!
Peace on earth? Yes let us believe that no matter what America will gwt through its political storms and things will work out just fine. Whoever wins is fine! FINE!
Not if you vote the right person is elected. AMERICA VOTE WISELY!!!!!!
Someday. It is up to people like you and me and the rest of the world.With God’s help, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE to those that believe!
Long live Democracy! And now abideth Hope and Faith and Charity . God bless America.Errol Smythe.