[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/tuDfRzY2Vqw" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
I’m not sure whether this sister will be gracing the WNBA anytime soon, but it appears that the one major gap to getting male fans in the seat–the lack of high flyers–is going to be closed soon.
I know that my comment has nothing to do with the video but I just had to ask. How are you liking ‘Modern Black Nationalism’? I’m reading it right now too! I’m already on page 289. I learned so much from the book (of course from your credentials you probably knew a lot of the information anyway). It’s changed me so much to read the intelligent writings of our people and how our leaders fought for our rights. I didn’t learn any of this in school. I think I’m going to buy a copy for my brother. Now I am in the process of educating myself about Black history and I feel better and more confident every time I read about it. Do you have a list of recommended reading? Thanks 🙂
There are a few books that deal with the primary texts of black nationalism, but I think that Modern Black Nationalism does this better than any other book out there because of its breadth. This is one of those books that you read over and over again–when I put it up on the site I’d already read it once or twice!
As for a recommended reading list? Check this out, and let me know what you think PLEASE! : )
Here in the Detroit area, there are sistas like this young lady all over the place. It’s just a matter of time before dunking is commonplace in women’s basketball. And I say BEAUTIFUL! My wife used to ball back in the day (she still has game) and I know first hand how these sistas put in just as much work as the men.
Man, that was so much fun to watch. My wife and I both are huge fans of the WNBA, and it’s just great to see young sisters takin’ it to the hoop like that!
Thank you for the referral! I bookmarked the page and I think I recognize many of the books from the university library, or from references in other books. I have a lot of reading to do! Thanks again 🙂